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Justice or ....

Several years ago, I read an article in which the author tried to explain the difference between grace and justice. Justice, they argued was the fulfilment of the law. You break the law, legal or even social, and there is a penalty to pay. Only when this has been paid has justice been fully served. So, justice is what we deserve in response to our actions. Grace, however, is when the outcome we get is not what we deserve at all.John in his Gospel tells of a woman who was brought to Jesus as an a...

October 23, 2024

A free lunch

Once while talking to a funeral director, they told me about people who turn up at funerals even when they have no connection with the person who has died or their immediate family. These ‘mourners’ have turned up because they are after the free food that is made available for those who have come to pay their respects. There’s something about the idea of a free lunch that is very attractive, this concept that we can have something without any cost to ourselves.In Jesus’ day people came t...

October 17, 2024

The Heaven's Declare

The writer of Psalm 19 makes a pretty audacious claim in the first opening lines.The heavens keep telling the wonders of God, and the skies declare what he has done. Each day informs the following day; each night announces to the next. They don't speak a word, and there is never the sound of a voice. Yet their message reaches all the earth, and it travels around the world.   (Psa 19:1-4 CEV)Perhaps you have seen some of the images taken by the Hubble and Webb telescopes that show a mag...

October 8, 2024

What a wonderful world

In the 1990’s TVNZ used the song What a wonderful world  to showcase the wonder 0f New Zealand scenery. Here’s a link to the ad. The video reminds us of the wonder and beauty of the world we live in. We are currently thinking about creation and how we as stewards of creation are called upon to care for and look after the world God has given us.This Sunday our service will be held at Robin’s Nest at Nga Manu Bird Sanctuary in Waikanae. Here’s the address 74 Ngā Manu Reserve Road, Wa...

October 2, 2024

Stuck in a rut

This old expression comes from a time when wagon wheels would get stuck in the ruts in the road left by hundreds of other carts using the road. These ruts could get so deep that once a wheel got into one it was almost impossible to change direction. You were stuck in the rut.Life can be a bit like that at times. We get stuck with one way of doing things and what once may have been fun and life-giving becomes boring and soul-destroying. The traditions we built as families which once drew us toget...

September 24, 2024

What attracts you?

All of us are drawn to other people, but our reasons may be quite different.  Perhaps because they are famous, or rich, or good looking or we just enjoy their company. Sometimes our motivations are a bit suspect – we like hanging around with someone because of what we can get out of it. Like the lotto winner who discovers all their long-lost relatives and lots of new friends. Or maybe we want to be seen with a certain person, to get the selfie, that shows we are in the right crowd. And if...

September 17, 2024

Found Out

Have you ever had someone walk in on you and suddenly found yourself feeling really guilty. It’s not that you had even done anything wrong, it’s just that feeling that you have been caught out. In the 1990’s John Powell a Jesuit priest wrote a series of books - two of which were titled ‘Will the real me please stand up’ and ‘Why am I afraid to tell you who I really am?’In the preface to the second book Powell tells of an actual conversation he had with a person about the title of h...

September 11, 2024


Over the last week Aotearoa/New Zealand has been filled with the sound of mourning following the death of the Māori King, Tūheitia Pōtatau Te Wherowhero VII. In the eulogies that have followed, people have spoken overwhelmingly of his grace, humour and commitment to kotahitanga – the desire to work together and find common ground despite our differences. In a world wrought by division and disharmony his message is something we all need to hear.This week I wonder how we might individually an...

September 3, 2024


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” is a quote attributed to Edmund Burke. It is a reminder that evil is something we need to be constantly on the watch for and prepared to stand up against. We don’t have to look far to realise how quickly evil can take root – war provides a perfect breeding ground for evil. But evil can also sneak in in subtle ways, when those with power use that power to distort truth, to take advantage of those who are wea...

August 27, 2024

Care for others

The cost-of-living crisis has highlighted some of the deep needs existing in our society. There are many who are struggling to make ends meet or have lost jobs. Politicians have multiple views on how we deal with the need that is evident but perhaps the most important question is for ourselves, what can I do, or maybe what am I prepared to do, to help those in need at this time.It’s always easier to make it someone else’s problem – the Government, the local council, the Sallies or maybe ev...

August 21, 2024

Celebrating the best

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve enjoyed watching the Olympic games and especially watching our NZ athletes doing so well. It’s the chance to see people perform at their very best even if they don’t get to win gold. These people have spent months if not years seeking to be the very best at their chosen sport often making huge sacrifices in the process.It is a reminder to all of us that if we want to be the best we can be, then it will require work, commitment and sacrifice, even if we j...

August 15, 2024

My way!

I’ve noticed in myself and in other kiwis something that none of us seem to like – being told what to do. There is something about us kiwis that means we react, often quite negatively, when we feel like we are being told how to behave or what to do.  We prefer to do things our way, in our own time and when it suits us best. Maybe its part of our what formed in us as a nation due to our distance from the rest of the world or maybe its just that we’re all just stubborn and grumpy.In con...

August 6, 2024

Light up your world

Several years ago I went on a tour through the Waitomo Caves. Here we were deep undergroundin absolute pitch darkness or so it seemed at first. But when you were quiet and looked up towards the roof of the caves you began to see little lights. At first it just seemed like a few but then you realise the whole roof is lighting up and the light is coming from millions of little glowworms each of whom is glowing.In the same way, Paul the Apostle says, you and I are called to light up the darkness, t...

July 30, 2024

Walk this way

There is a great Monty Python skit in which a person goes to the Ministry of Silly Walks to register his silly walk. The skit features several ‘silly’ walks performed by actors and makes light of the British Government bureaucracy. After all, who else, would establish such a ministry.  Here’s a link to the skitPaul writing to the church at Ephesus told them to ‘walk’ the way of Christ. Of course, Paul isn’t referring to physical walking, there isn’t a Christian way of walking ...

July 23, 2024

To the cross...and back

There is a wonderful children’s book called ‘Guess how much I love you’ by Sam McBratney, which has a baby rabbit explaining how much they love their parent. ‘I love you as high as I can hop’, says little rabbit. But his parent can hop much higher. Eventually he says, ‘I love you to the moon’, and then drifts off to sleep. At which point the parent says, ‘I love you to the moon…and back’.  I suspect we all want to be loved like that.Paul the Apostle wants the people of E...

July 10, 2024

What I was made for

Every now and then I hear someone say, ‘This is what they were made for.’ And it is usually a person who has discovered a line of work, sport or community involvement that they are totally committed to. This ‘thing’ has become so much a part of them that they cannot imagine doing anything else.Paul, the apostle, writing to the church at Ephesus said a similar thing except he framed it as ‘this is what God has set apart for me to do.’ And for him it was sharing the good news of God’...

July 2, 2024

What divides us

Two weeks ago my grandson and I were faced with a dilemma – which team did we want to win the Rugby Championship. He supports the Chiefs, and I was supporting the Hurricanes. Unfortunately for me, the Chiefs won, deservedly so. There was lots of banter and laughter and a “we won, you lost” ribbing. As I reflected on that event it occurred to me how sometimes our differences can drive us apart – whether they be sporting, political or geographical. And sometimes, as our tv’s show us, the...

June 25, 2024

More than we can imagine

It can be easy when we look at our world to think that this is all there is. What we touch, see, taste, smell or hear is all that counts. The tangible world, the physical world is the most important thing. And yet, according to surveys, many of us believe that there is something more, something spiritual that exists beyond our grasp. The Apostle Paul, writing to a small group of people in the ancient town of Ephesus, argued that in fact there is something more than we can ever imagine going on. ...

June 18, 2024


This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost when God pours his Spirit upon the disciples. Eugene Peterson notesGod gave us the miracle of congregation the same way he gave us the miracle of Jesus, by the Descent of the Dove. The Holy Spirit descended into the womb of Mary in the Galilean village of Nazareth. Thirty or so years later the same Holy Spirit descended into the collective spiritual womb of men and women, which included Mary, who had been followers of Jesus… The first conception gave us Jesus...

May 18, 2024

Still alive

Sometimes it can feel a bit like the role of the church is over, that it has nothing of value to offer. And to be fair the church has deserved some of the criticism it has received. Stories of abuse have tarnished all that the church stands for. Maybe religion is dead and so is God. What does the church have to offer us?This weekend Charles Hewlett, the national leader of the Baptist Churches of NZ will be sharing stories of the good news of Jesus at work in communities all around NZ in our serv...

May 7, 2024

Into the Unknown

Into the UnknownA popular movie theme is a group of people who set off on a journey into the unknown. Who knows what dangers, adventures and rewards might wait for them?  Following Jesus is a bit like that. Jesus calls us to a new way of living, of giving our lives for others so that they too might know of God’s love for them. And that can lead us to unknown places and to interact with people we would never normally associate with. Friends of ours discovered that following Jesus took them...

May 1, 2024

Looking for answers

We live in an age of uncertainty. The future is far from certain. Politics has become increasingly divisive, countries more willing to use force to achieve their goals and an environment that is experiencing enormous change. Even in our own country we face uncertainty with our economy with a government bringing huge change for so many. In a time of uncertainty what do we look to, to help us cope? What do you turn to, to help you cope? Maybe it is the hope of winning lotto, or some form of drug t...

April 24, 2024

Good, Good News

This week someone won $30 million. I wonder how hard it is for them to not let on to family, friends, and workmates. It’s the sort of news that makes you want to tell someone, maybe even a complete stranger. What do you do with good news? Do you want to share it with others?As Christians we believe that we have Good News, news so good we want to share it with others. News that offers hope and new life to others. We want people to hear that there is a God who loves them and wants the absolute b...

April 15, 2024

A single focus

There’s an old story about how the Zebra got his stripes. A horse discovered a magic cave which gave whoever entered whatever they asked for. “I wish I was jet black”, the horse whispered and hey presto he was as black as the night. But when he got outside, he wondered if maybe white was a better colour. So back into the cave he went, “I wish I was white”, and he was white and gleaming. But when he got outside, he thought that white wasn’t a very practical colour. Black would be bett...

March 12, 2024

Where is your treasure?

I wonder if you have in your house a special treasure. Maybe something given to you by a parent or grandparent and so it holds a special place in your life. Maybe you lock it up in a cabinet so that no-one can play with it and break it. This item has become a touchstone, a symbol of safety and security.Or maybe your treasure is treasure and you have spent a lifetime building up a nest egg for your retirement. I wonder if you have noticed that the more we attain the more time we spend protecting ...

March 5, 2024 Posts 1-25 of 241 | Page next