Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of utmost importance, the only thing it cannot be is moderately important - C.S Lewis

Walk this way

There is a great Monty Python skit in which a person goes to the Ministry of Silly Walks to register his silly walk. The skit features several ‘silly’ walks performed by actors and makes light ofRead more

To the cross...and back

There is a wonderful children’s book called ‘Guess how much I love you’ by Sam McBratney, which has a baby rabbit explaining how much they love their parent. ‘I love you as high as I canRead more

What I was made for

Every now and then I hear someone say, ‘This is what they were made for.’ And it is usually a person who has discovered a line of work, sport or community involvement that they are totallyRead more

What divides us

Two weeks ago my grandson and I were faced with a dilemma – which team did we want to win the Rugby Championship. He supports the Chiefs, and I was supporting the Hurricanes. Unfortunately for me,Read more

More than we can imagine

It can be easy when we look at our world to think that this is all there is. What we touch, see, taste, smell or hear is all that counts. The tangible world, the physical world is the most importantRead more


This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost when God pours his Spirit upon the disciples. Eugene Peterson notes God gave us the miracle of congregation the same way he gave us the miracle of Jesus, by theRead more

Still alive

Sometimes it can feel a bit like the role of the church is over, that it has nothing of value to offer. And to be fair the church has deserved some of the criticism it has received. Stories of abuseRead more

Into the Unknown

Into the Unknown A popular movie theme is a group of people who set off on a journey into the unknown. Who knows what dangers, adventures and rewards might wait for them?  Following Jesus is a bit lRead more

Looking for answers

We live in an age of uncertainty. The future is far from certain. Politics has become increasingly divisive, countries more willing to use force to achieve their goals and an environment that isRead more

Good, Good News

This week someone won $30 million. I wonder how hard it is for them to not let on to family, friends, and workmates. It’s the sort of news that makes you want to tell someone, maybe even a completeRead more

A single focus

There’s an old story about how the Zebra got his stripes. A horse discovered a magic cave which gave whoever entered whatever they asked for. “I wish I was jet black”, the horse whispered and hRead more

Where is your treasure?

I wonder if you have in your house a special treasure. Maybe something given to you by a parent or grandparent and so it holds a special place in your life. Maybe you lock it up in a cabinet so thatRead more


We now offer a children's programme for children aged 3-6 years old.

There is also a creche where parents can mind younger children and still hear the service.

Go here to see what else we have for families.


Check out this week's
post for more details
about Sunday

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104.7FM from 10.00am
Coast Access Radio

How to find us

Tena kotou katoa

All of us are trying to make sense of life, to find that ‘thing’ that will help determine how we will live. Here at PBC we have found that our faith in Jesus helps us make sense of life and how we will live.

It doesn’t mean we always get it right or that life is any simpler. In fact, sometimes Jesus asks us to make choices we might otherwise avoid – like loving our neighbours and caring for others.

You are most welcome to come and join us on this journey as we seek to be whanau to each other and as we seek to follow Jesus.

If you would like to know more about why we think Jesus is so important go here

When we journey together, we are stronger.