Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of utmost importance, the only thing it cannot be is moderately important - C.S Lewis

Called transformed

So often we forget that a key element of following Jesus is the willingness to be transformed. Somehow, we can get this idea that Jesus is just an add-on, like a bumper sticker, that actually demandsRead more

We're starting up again!

mainly music kicks off again Wednesday 12 February 2025 from 10am. There is a small charge per family.  This programme is a fun way for parents and their children to spend quality time togetherRead more

Called to ...

It’s easy to do things and forget just why we are doing them. Simon Sinek, the business motivational speaker, talks about your why. Why do you do what you do? Because if you can’t answer the whyRead more

New Year

January 1st is traditionally the time for change, for making new year’s resolutions about how this year we will try to get fit, eat less, work less, spend less, earn more,  - you know who it goes.Read more

Christmas Day

Join us Christmas morning to celebrate together the birth of Jesus.  Hear again the story of Jesus birth through readings, carols and story. All welcome.Read more


Many people when asked will say that love is most often recognised as the gift of presence. We are there when needed, when things turn to custard, but also in those moments when what is needed is aRead more

Christmas Carols - come and join us

Come and join us for Christmas Carols and a retelling of the Christmas story. Supper to follow. All welcome.Read more


I’ve been thinking this week about the difference between excitement and joy. Excitement it seems is that emotion we feel when something unexpectedly good happens, like winning lotto. It is oftenRead more


Joseph, the husband of Mary, in the Bible is a picture of a man who faced with enormous questions and uncertainty, discovers peace and the ability to make the best of a difficult situation. Joseph isRead more


One of the greatest expressions of praise recorded in the Bible is Mary’s words of praise about being chosen as the mother of Jesus. Known as the Magnificat, from the Latin version, these words areRead more

Oh, is that what you meant?

Ever had that feeling in a conversation that while you are using the same words you are talking about different things. You say one thing and they respond with an answer which to you makes no senseRead more


It’s a word deeply rooted in the Christian story but also the theme of many great movies. The story of a person or character who is deeply flawed but who through a series of trials becomes a muchRead more


We now offer a children's programme for children aged 3-6 years old.

There is also a creche where parents can mind younger children and still hear the service.

Go here to see what else we have for families.


Check out this week's
post for more details
about Sunday

Or join us on air
104.7FM from 10.00am
Coast Access Radio

How to find us

Tena kotou katoa

All of us are trying to make sense of life, to find that ‘thing’ that will help determine how we will live. Here at PBC we have found that our faith in Jesus helps us make sense of life and how we will live.

It doesn’t mean we always get it right or that life is any simpler. In fact, sometimes Jesus asks us to make choices we might otherwise avoid – like loving our neighbours and caring for others.

You are most welcome to come and join us on this journey as we seek to be whanau to each other and as we seek to follow Jesus.

If you would like to know more about why we think Jesus is so important go here

When we journey together, we are stronger.