Behind it all

I have on my computer two images to use today. You may have seen recently some of the photos of the galaxies as presented by the James Webb satellite. For those familiar with the Hubble telescope images, these new images are even more impressive and compelling. A photo dubbed ‘The Pillars of Creation’ is so awesome. The second image, the one above, is that of a silver eye – a tiny little bird that flits around our garden. Both these images, special as they are, remind us of the one who created it all. This beauty, this creativity points us to the creator.

John the writer of one of the Gospels tells us that this creator, is none other than Jesus and that through him all that is and lives came into being.

God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him.
The Word gave life to everything that was created,

and his life brought light to everyone.
(Joh 1:3-4)

If you need support during this time then please make contact with Andrew on 0223075225.

To join with us on air tune in to Coast Access Radio 104.7FM from 10.00am or livestream at http://coastaccessradio.org.nz... The message and prayers will also be posted to the sermon page on this website.

If you are struggling at this time and just need someone to talk to then please email us at office@pb.org.nzand we will make contact with you.

This Sunday Let all creation sing! While all creation is fantastic, it points us to the one who is behind it all – the creator.

Mainly Music – Wednesday from 10.00am. This programme is a fun way for parents and their children to spend quality time together based around music and movement. It is an opportunity for us as a church to connect with and offer something back to the community of which we are a part. It’s also a way for us to demonstrate care, concern and support for those with young children.

Small Groups. We have several groups meeting. Contact the church office@pb.org.nz if you would like to join one.

And we are also on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/parap...

Grace and peace