What to do with this baby?

It’s hard not to be a little sentimental at Christmas – all the songs, the heart-moving Christmas ads, the gifts and this story about a little baby born in a manger all those years ago. A young couple, forced to travel to a distant town only to discover there is now room at the inn and so are forced to make do with  a stable and a feeding trough. Somehow even today that story somehow moves our hearts.

But of course the baby never stays a baby and eventually this baby, now a man, claims to be the one who can save his people and the whole world. The baby is safe but the man asks us to choose – will we believe his claims or reject them? What we do with Jesus has a huge bearing on how we understand and live life. What will you do with Jesus, the man, this year? How might he impact your life?

This coming Sunday is a 'vaccination pass required' service.  This means that from this Sunday you will need to bring your vaccination pass with you and we are required by law to sight it before you can enter.

Please note the following requirements put in place by our leadership team to keep you and others as safe as possible.

  • All attendees are required to record their presence – either by app or sign-in (This is a legal requirement).
  • The elders have decided that mask wearing will now be compulsory. (We have been advised that those speaking at the front can remove their mask to speak)
  • Spacing of 1m between bubbles (so no hugging of others please).
  • If you are at all unwell then please stay home.
  • And can we encourage you to get vaccinated as a way of keeping yourself and others safe.

Next year we hope to offer an unvaccinated service on the third Sunday of each month depending on the level of Covid in the community. The first of these will be Sunday 16 January.   

If you are struggling at this time and just need someone to talk to then please email us at the address below and we will make contact with you office@pb.org.nz

This Sunday we continue our series on the Songs of Advent. This week we will be thinking about Simeon’s song.

To join with us on air tune in to Coast Access Radio 104.7FM from 10.00am or livestream at http://coastaccessradio.org.nz...  The message and prayers will also be posted to the sermon page on this website.

Mainly Music -  Finished for this year. Will restart on 10 February 2022. Meets Wednesday’s from 10.00am. This programme is a fun way for parents and their children to spend quality time together based around music and movement. It is an opportunity for us as a church to connect with and offer something back to the community of which we are a part. It’s also a way for us to demonstrate care, concern and support for those with young children.

Small Groups are now closed for the summer break. Contact  the church office@pb.org.nz if you would like to join one.

If at this time you need someone to chat with then please call the church office 04 2987766 or email office@pb.org.nz and we’ll get back to you.

And we are also on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/parap...

Grace and peace