What will I give up for Lent?

Lent is often understood to be a time when people give something up. In the church it has been known as a time for giving up luxuries so that the money saved might be given to the poor.  Perhaps as we look at what is happening in Aoteraroa/New Zealand at the moment we might consider how we could give to support those who are struggling following the cyclone and storms.

But it may be that this would be a good time for us to give up other things – as in things we do rather than physical things.  Maybe this Lent we could give up – rants on Facebook, making derogatory comments about others, treating others as second rate, anger and bitterness, selfishness, our ego’s. I wonder what it would do for us and others if we gave those things a rest even just for Lent.

What do you need to give up? Why not give it a go.

If you are struggling at this time and just need someone to talk to then please email us at office@pb.org.nz or call 0223075225 and we will make contact with you.

This Sunday we begin a Lenten series called ‘Another story must begin’ looking at the characters from the book and musical Les Misérables. What do they teach us about ourselves, others and God?.  Sunday 10am.

To join with us on air tune in to Coast Access Radio 104.7FM from 10.00am or livestream at http://coastaccessradio.org.nz... 

Mainly Music – Wednesday from 10.00am. This programme is a fun way for parents and their children to spend quality time together based around music and movement. It is an opportunity for us as a church to connect with and offer something back to the community of which we are a part. It’s also a way for us to demonstrate care, concern and support for those with young children.

Small Groups. We have several groups meeting. Contact the church office@pb.org.nz if you would like to join one.

And we are also on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/parap...

Grace and peace