Getting Connected

Small Group Gatherings

It's great to gather together on a Sunday morning but for many there is not enough time to really connect with others. Small Group Gatherings are one way for you to catch up with others and together share what God is doing in your lives.  Why not give one a go?

No matter where you are in your faith journey, there is a place for you.

Groups you can connect to include

  • Wednesday Homegroup: Meets on 1st and 3rd Wednesday every month at 2pm
  • Womens Group: Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the Month from 10am at the church.
  • Men’s breakfast: Meets occasionally for breakfast in a local café.
  • Raumati Beach Home Group Tuesdays 7.30 - 9.00

For further information and details on how you can get connected with one of our groups, please contact the church office.